The most exciting and rewarding thing about modern pediatric dentistry is the potential of rearing cavity-free children. Success is based on a continuing process. This process depends on making proper, critical decisions early in infancy and childhood regarding diet, fluoride management, tooth cleaning programs and sealants. Your child will be placed on our regular preventive recare program after any restorative visits are completed. At recare visits their teeth will be cleaned, treated with topical fluoride, appropriate radiographs (x-rays) made and evaluated for fluoride supplementation. Each recare visit also gives us an opportunity to reemphasize oral hygiene procedures and check their bite and teeth alignment. Your child will have a thorough oral exam by Dr Johnson. The close supervision of the growth and development of your child’s teeth and supporting facial bones is one of our major concerns.
Amazing are the possibilities for adult dental health today. We want to continually update you as to what is available for you dentally and how it can help keep your entire body in great medical health. Recare visits will offer the opportunity not only to clean your teeth, apply topical fluoride, make appropriate radiographs (x-rays), we can let you know what advances in dentistry may be appropriate for you now and into the future.